


聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)日前表示,相關的國際諮詢委員會已選出《安妮的日記》(The Diary of Anne Frank)35項極具價值的文獻遺產,作為今年增列入教科文組織「世界記憶名錄」(Memory of the World Register) 的物件。



(現為泰國)1868年至1910年間,泰王朱拉隆功(King Chulalongkorn)施政與改革的相關文件。



817年至1834年間,英屬加勒比海島國為了管制非法進口的奴隸,所成立的奴隸登記處(Registry of Slaves),其相關照片和紀錄片也在今年入選記憶名錄。

 時間:2009/7/31 18:47

35項文獻遺產物件, 詳細清單如下:

Manifesto of the Queensland Labour Party to the people of Queensland (Australia)

Farquharson’s Journal (Bahamas)

The Baltic Way - Human Chain Linking Three States in their Drive for Freedom (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)

Federal Archives Fonds (Barbados)

The Nita Barrow Collection (Barbados)

Archives Insolvente Boedeldskamer Antwerpen (Belgium)

Sleng Genocide Museum Archives (Cambodia)

Registry of Slaves of the British Caribbean 1817-1834 (Bahamas, Belize, Dominica, Jamaica, St Kitts, Trinidad and Tobago and the United Kingdom)

"Neighbours", animated, directed and produced by Norman McLaren in 1952(Canada)

Original Negative of the Noticiero ICAIC Lationamericano (Cuba)

The Arnamagnaean Manuscript collection (Denmark, Iceland)

Book for the Baptism of Slaves (1636 – 1670) (Dominican Republic)

Documentary Heritage on the Resistance and struggle for Human Rights in the Dominican Republic, 1930-1961 (Dominican Republic)

Radziwills’ Archives and Niasvizh (Nie
śwież) Library Collection (Belarus, Finland, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation, Ukraine)

Library of the Cistercian Abbey of Clairvaux at the time of Pierre de Virey (1472) (France)

Song of the Nibelungs, a heroic poem from mediaeval Europe (Germany)

János Bolyai: Appendix, scientiam spatii absolute veram exhibens. Maros-Vásárhelyini, 1832 (Hungary)

The Csoma Archive of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Science, (Hungary)

Administrative Documents of Astan-e Quds Razavi in the Safavid Era (Iran)

Donguibogam: Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine (Republic of Korea)

Royal Archives (1824-1897) (Madagascar)

Batu Bersurat, Terengganu (Inscribed Stone of Terengganu) (Malaysia)

Collection of the Center of Documentation and Investigation of the Ashkenazi Community in Mexico (16th to 20th Century) (Mexico)

Diaries of Anne Frank (Netherlands)

Catecismo Corticu, First Catechism Written in Papiamentu Language (Netherland Antilles)

Archives of Terror (Paraguay)

Archives of the Literary Institute in Paris (1946-2000) (Poland)

Sir William Arthur Lewis Papers (St. Lucia)

Santa Fe
Capitulations (Spain)

Archival Documents of King Chulalongkorn's Transformation of Siam (1868-1910) (Thailand)

Magna Carta, issued in 1215 (United Kingdom)

John Marshall Ju/'hoan Bushman Film and Video Collection, 1950-2000 (USA)

Woodblocks of Nguyen Dynasty (Vietnam)

League of Nations Archives 1919-1946 (United Nations Office at Geneva, UNOG)

UNRWA Photo and Film Archives of Palestinian Refugees (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA)

Source:Press Release No.2009-88; 31-07-2009




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