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愛琳娜‧波克娃於20091023日星期五正式宣誓就任,成為聯合國教科文組織第十位總幹事,就職典禮是在會員國大會主席大衛森‧赫本(Davidson L. Hepburn)主持下舉行,總幹事當選人愛琳娜‧波克娃將會宣誓就職並發表政策演說。

教科文組織執行局主席Olabiyi Babalola Joseph Yaï,各選舉分區的主委,以及教科文組織總部所在地主國法國的特任代表,將緊隨在卸任總幹事松浦晃一郎之後,獻上他們的祝賀。


Irina Bokova is sworn in today, Friday 23 October 2009, as UNESCO’s tenth Director-General. The Ceremony will be opened by the President of the General Conference, Davidson L. Hepburn. Director-General elect, Irina Bokova, will take the oath of office and deliver a keynote address.

The Chair of the Executive Board, Olabiyi Babalola Joseph Yaï, the Presidents of UNESCO’s regional electoral groups, and a representative of the host country, France, will offer their congratulations, followed by outgoing Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura.

The 35th session of the General Conference closes Friday afternoon. Bokova, the first woman to hold the Organization’s highest office in its 63-year history, has declared “I shall be guided in my work by my concept of a new humanism for the 21st century”.


UNESCO 23-10-2009  09:17 



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