Natural properties submitted for inscription to the World Heritage List : 4
☆瓦登海(泥灘海,德國與荷蘭);The Wadden Sea (Germany and the Netherlands);
☆斗羅米特山脈(白雲岩山脈,義大利);The Dolomites (Italy);
☆韓國白堊紀恐龍海岸(南韓);Korean Cretaceous Dinosaur Coast (Republic of Korea);
☆勒那河柱狀岩自然公園(俄羅斯);Lena Pillars Nature Park (Russian Federation).
Cultural properties submitted for inscription to the World Heritage List : 23
☆科比意建築與都市作品(阿根廷、比利時、法國、德國、日本與瑞士);The Architectural and Urban Work of Le Corbusier (Argentina, Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland);
☆波羅茲克的聖歐芙洛希涅之有形精神遺產(白俄羅斯);Tangible Spiritual Heritage of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk (Belarus);
☆史托克雷特宅邸(比利時);Stoclet House (Belgium);
☆賈希歷史城鎮的文化資產(波士尼亞);Cultural property of the historic town of Jajce (Bosnia and Herzegovina);
☆帕拉提黃金之路及其文化景觀(巴西);Gold Route in Paraty and its Landscape (Brazil);
☆洛羅派尼遺址(布吉納法索);The Ruins of Loropéni (Burkina Faso);
☆西達迪弗哈-萊貝拉格蘭迪歷史中心(佛德角);Cidade Velha, Historic Centre of Ribeira Grande (Cape Verde);
☆嵩山歷史古蹟(中國);Historic monuments of Mount Songshan (China);
☆格蘭德-巴辛歷史城鎮(象牙海岸);Historic town of Grand-Bassam (Côte d'Ivoire);
☆大摩拉維亞遺址:米庫舒茲的斯洛伐克要塞聚落-克卡尼的安提赫聖瑪格利特教堂(捷克與斯洛伐克);Sites of Great Moravia: Slavonic Fortified Settlement at Mikulčice - Church of St Margaret of Antioch at Kopčany (Czech Republic and Slovakia);
☆卡塞斯與西佛尼斯(法國);The Causses and the Cévennes (France);
☆修維茲根-選帝侯夏宮-園林設計與共濟會暗寓(德國)Schwetzingen - A Prince Elector's Summer Residence - Garden Design and Freemasonic Allusions (Germany);
☆舒希達水利系統-從古至今的橋堰渠屋與水力磨房(伊朗);Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System - Bridges, dams, canals, buildings and watermills from ancient time to present (Iran);
☆丹城的三拱門(以色列);The Triple-arch Gate at Dan (Israel);
☆義大利倫巴底,權力與崇敬之地(義大利);Italia Langobardorum. Places of power and worship (568-774 A.D., Italy);
☆蘇拉曼尼-至聖之山(吉爾吉斯);Sulamain-Too Sacred Mountain (Kyrgyzstan);
☆跨洲皇家大道上的汞與銀城鎮,阿爾曼丹、愛德雷亞及聖路易斯波托西(墨西哥、斯洛維尼亞與西班牙);The Mercury and Silver Binomial on the Intercontinental Camino Real. Almadén, Idrija and San Luis Potosí (Mexico, Slovenia and Spain);
☆卡羅爾-蘇沛聖城(秘魯);Sacred City of Caral-Supe (Peru);
☆朝鮮王陵(南韓);Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty (Republic of Korea);
☆海克力士塔(西班牙)Tower of Hercules (Spain);
☆哈爾辛蘭的農莊與村落Farms and Villages in Hälsingland (Sweden);
☆恰德馮斯/洛克,鐘錶製造計畫城鎮(瑞士);La Chaux-de-Fonds / Le Locle, Clock-making town planning (Switzerland);
☆旁特斯沃泰水道橋與運河(英國);Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and Canal (United Kingdom).
Mixed properties submitted for inscription to the World Heritage List
☆五臺山(中國)Mount Wutai (China);
☆隆吉斯克波傑自然公園-薩瓦盆地中部既存景觀與澇原生態系統(克羅埃西亞);Lonjsko Polje Nature Park - A Living Landscape and the Floodplain Ecosystem of the Central Sava Basin (Croatia);
☆歐海爾維格文化景觀(摩達維亞);The Cultural Landscape Orheuil Vechi (Republic of Moldova).
Extension properties submitted for inscription to the World Heritage List : 7
☆圖巴塔哈礁層自然公園(菲律賓,圖巴塔哈礁層海洋公園擴展項目);Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park (extension to the Tubbataha Reef Marine Park, the Philippines);
☆格拉茲市-歷史中心與艾根堡宮廷(奧地利,格拉茲市歷史中心擴展項目);City of Graz - Historic Centre and Schloss Eggenberg (Extension to the City of Graz Historic Centre, Austria);
☆開放式製鹽場,從沙林斯-萊巴辛的大鹽場到阿爾克-塞南的皇家鹽場(法國,阿爾克-塞南皇家鹽場擴展項目);From the Great Saltworks of Salins-les-Bains to the Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans, the production of open-pan salt (Extension to the Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans, France);
☆梅格拉、雷曼德里與哈拉帕,印度山谷文明遺址(巴基斯坦,摩亨朱達羅考古遺址擃展項目);Mehrgarh, Rehman Dheri and Harappa as an extension to the Indus Valley Civilization Sites (Extension to the Archaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro, Pakistan);
☆蘇塞維塔修道院的復活禮拜堂(羅馬尼亞,摩達維亞教堂擴展項目);Church of the Resurrection of Suceviţa Monastery (Extension to the Churches of Moldavia, Romania);
☆雷弗卡與司皮斯的保羅大師作品( 斯洛伐克,司皮斯基哈德及其文化古蹟擴展項目);Levoča and the Work of Master Paul in Spiš (Extension to Spišský Hrad and its Associated Cultural Monuments, Slovakia);
☆賽魯維拉曼嘎拉雷哈瑪哈威哈拉雅佛寺(斯里蘭卡,康提聖城擴展項目);Seruwila Mangala Raja Maha Viharaya (Extension of the Sacred City of Kandy, Sri Lanka);
【資料來源:UNESCO Press N°2009-33】【World Heritage Centre】