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景色絕倫的肯亞東非大裂谷的湖泊系統(Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley,肯亞)是本屆世界遺產會議第一處被列入《世界遺產名錄》的自然遺產。這一遺址由肯亞裂谷省的三座水位相對較淺的湖泊,柏格利亞湖(Bogoria)、納庫魯湖(Nakuru) 和埃爾門泰塔湖(Elementaita)相互銜接,共同構成了風景極其優美的湖泊系統,總面積達32034公頃。


甯格羅海岸(Ningaloo Coast,澳大利亞),涵蓋海洋及陸地在內,占地面積廣達70萬8350公頃,擁有世界上最長的岸礁地形。陸地上廣布喀斯特地貌、錯綜複雜的地下洞穴和水系。甯格羅海岸不僅是鯨鯊每年都會前來聚集的地方,同時也是難以計數的海洋物種的家園,比如許多種的海龜都以此地為家。擁有為顯著的陸地特點地形,地下水體及地下洞穴、通渠與水流網,都為此地珍稀動物的生存提供了支援和保障,從而為此地的海洋和陸地生物多樣性做出了貢獻。



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Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley and Australia’s Ningaloo Coast inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List

The World Heritage Committee has inscribed the Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley (Kenya) and Australia’s Ningaloo Coast on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

The Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley (Kenya), a natural property of outstanding beauty was the first to be added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List during the current Committee session. It comprises three inter-linked relatively shallow lakes (Lake Bogoria, Lake Nakuru and Lake Elementaita) in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya and covers a total area of 32,034 hectares.

The property is home to 13 globally threatened bird species and some of the highest bird diversities in the world. It is the single most important foraging site for the lesser flamingo anywhere, and a major nesting and breeding ground for great white pelicans. The property features sizeable mammal populations, including black rhino, Rothschild’s giraffe, greater kudu, lion, cheetah and wild dogs and is valuable for the study of ecological processes of major importance.

The 708,350-hectare marine and terrestrial property of Ningaloo Coast, on the remote western coast of Australia, includes one of the longest near-shore reefs in the world. On land the site features an extensive karst system and network of underground caves and water courses. Annual gatherings of whale sharks occur at Ningaloo Coast, which is home to numerous marine species, among them a wealth of sea turtles. The terrestrial part of the site features subterranean water bodies with a substantial network of caves, conduits, and groundwater streams. They support a variety of rare species that contribute to the exceptional biodiversity of the marine and terrestrial site.

A total of 35 nominations, including natural, cultural and mixed properties will have been reviewed by the Committee which is holding its 35th session at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris until 29 June.



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