【巴黎消息,6月27日】 - 孔索文化景觀(衣索比亞)、蒙巴薩的耶穌堡(肯亞)以及胡朝時期的城堡(越南),今天上午被列入教科文組織《世界遺產名錄》。審議申報專案的工作將於下午繼續。
孔索文化景觀(Konso Cultural Landscape,衣索比亞)占地面積55平方公里,位於乾旱的衣索比亞孔索高地,在這片高地上,除了石牆梯田構成的景觀外,還分佈著人類的定居點。作為人類克服乾燥惡劣的自然環境,頑強生存下來的傑出範例,孔索文化景觀代表著一個已傳承了21代(即400多年)並依然具有活力的文化傳統,並展現出各社區的共同價值觀、社會凝聚力及其所擁有的工程知識。這裏還保存有具有人格化特徵的木雕,這些木雕相互組合在一起,代表著受到尊敬的各社區成員,特別是英雄事件,對正處消失邊緣的喪葬傳統而言,它們是特殊的活生生的見證。矗立在城鎮中的石碑則共同構成了一種紀念一代代逝去的領導人的複雜體系。
蒙巴薩的耶穌堡(Fort Jesus, Mombasa,肯亞)在1593-1596年間由葡萄牙人修建而成。用於保護蒙巴薩港口城堡由喬瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·凱拉迪(Giovanni Battista Cairati) 設計,是16世紀葡萄牙軍事要塞建築中最出色的作品之一,代表著此類建築物歷史上的一個里程碑,受到了良好的保護。城堡的設計佈局與形式體現了文藝復興的理想,即採用同樣可以在人體比例中找到的那種完美和諧的比例與幾何構圖。這一遺產占地2.36公頃,包括護城河以及周圍的附屬部分。
胡朝時期的城堡(Citadel of the Ho Dynasty,越南)修建於14世紀,城堡的建設遵循了風水的原則,是14世紀末期傳到越南及東亞其他地區新儒家思想發揚光大的見證。城堡建在連接起長山(Tuong Son)與東山(Don Son)山脈的軸線上,位於馬江與八里河(Buoi)之間平原上一片風景秀麗之處。壯觀的城堡建築本身代表著東南亞王城建設歷史中曾湧現出的一種新風格。
Sites in Ethiopia, Kenya and Viet Nam inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List
Konso Cultural Landscape (Ethiopia), Fort Jesus, Mombasa (Kenya) and Citadel of the Ho Dynasty (Viet Nam), have been added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Inscriptions are to continue this afternoon.
Konso Cultural Landscape (Ethiopia), is a 55km2 arid property of stone walled terraces and fortified settlements in the Konso highlands of Ethiopia. It constitutes a spectacular example of a living cultural tradition stretching back 21 generations (more than 400 years) adapted to its dry hostile environment. The landscape demonstrates the shared values, social cohesion and engineering knowledge of its communities. The site also features anthropomorphic wooden statues - grouped to represent respected members of their communities and particularly heroic events – which are an exceptional living testimony to funerary traditions that are on the verge of disappearing. Stone steles in the towns express a complex system of marking the passing of generations of leaders.
Fort Jesus, Mombasa (Kenya). The Fort, built by the Portuguese in 1593-1596 to the designs of Giovanni Battista Cairati to protect the port of Mombasa, is one of the most outstanding and well preserved examples of 16th Portuguese military fortification and a landmark in the history of this type of construction. The Fort’s layout and form reflected the Renaissance ideal that perfect proportions and geometric harmony are to be found in the human body. The property covers an area of 2.36 hectares and includes the fort’s moat and immediate surroundings.
Citadel of the Ho Dynasty (Viet Nam). The 14th-century Ho Dynasty citadel, built according to the feng shui principles, testifies to the flowering of neo-Confucianism in late 14th century Viet Nam and its spread to other parts of east Asia. According to these principles it was sited in a landscape of great scenic beauty on an axis joining the Tuong Son and Don Son mountains in a plain between the Ma and Buoi rivers. The citadel buildings represent an outstanding example of a new style of south-east Asian imperial city.
A total of 35 nominations, including natural, cultural and mixed properties are being reviewed by the Committee, which is holding its 35th session at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. The Committee expects to finish the inscriptions by the end of the day.