國 家 | 提名遺產地名稱 | 編號 | 備 考 |
非洲地區(1處) | |||
模里西斯 | 模納文化景觀Le Morne Cultural Landscape | 1259 | |
阿拉伯地區(2處) | |||
沙烏地阿拉伯 | 艾-西加考古遺址(瑪丹薩里) Al-Hijr Archaeological Site (Madâin Sâlih) | 1293 | |
葉門 | 索科特拉群島Socotra Archipelago | 1263 | |
亞洲太平洋地區(12處) | |||
中國大陸 | 福建土樓Fujian Tulou | 1113 | |
中國大陸 | 三清山風景名勝區 Mount Sanqingshan National Park | 1292 | |
北韓 | 開城歷史遺址 Historic Monuments and Sites in Kaesong | 1278 | |
印度 | 印度高山鐵路擴展項目Mountain Railways of India (extension to include Kalka Shimla Railway) | 944Ter | 擴展項目 |
印尼 | 峇里省文化景觀 Cultural Landscape of Bali Province | 1194 | |
伊朗 | 聖塔都斯修道院 The Monastery of Saint Thaddeus Ensemble | 1262 | |
日本 | 平泉-佛教淨土宗文化景觀 Hiraizumi - Cultural Landscape Associated with Pure Land Buddhist Cosmology | 1277 | |
哈薩克 | 薩雅克-北哈薩克草原與群湖Saryarka – Steppe and Lakes of Northern Kazakhstan | 1102Rev | 重審項目 |
馬來西亞 | 麻六甲海峽歷史城市Historic Cities of the Straits of Malacca: Melaka and George Town | 1223 | |
外蒙古 | 庫蘇古勒湖及其流域 Hovsgol Lake and its Watershed | 1082 | |
巴布亞新幾內亞 | 庫科早期農業遺址 The Kuk Early Agricultural Site | 887 | |
萬那杜 | 洛伊瑪塔酋長領地Chief Roi Mata’s Domain | 1280 | |
歐洲北美地區(20處) | |||
保加利亞 | 皮林國家公園Pirin National Park | 225Bis | 擴展項目 |
加拿大 | 喬金斯化石山崖The Joggins Fossil Cliffs | 1285 | |
克羅埃西亞 | 史塔瑞格雷德平原The Stari Grad Plain | 1240 | |
法國 | 佛邦建築傑作L’œuvre de Vauban | 1283 | |
法國 | 新卡利多尼亞瀉湖 Les lagons de Nouvelle-Calédonie : diversité récifale et écosystèmes associés | 1115 | |
德國 | 修維茲根-艾雷多選帝侯夏宮Schwetzingen – A Prince Elector’s Summer Residence – Garden Design and Freemasonic Allusions | 1281 | |
捷克 | 路哈科維斯溫泉Spa of Luhačovice – area with a collection of historic spa buildings and spa-related facilities | 1271 | |
匈牙利 斯洛伐克 | 寇瑪隆要塞System of Fortification at the Confluence of the Rivers Danube and Váh in Komárno – Komárom | 1289 | 跨國遺產 |
冰島 | 斯圖賽火山島Sturtsey | 1267 | |
以色列 | 丹城的三拱門The Triple-arch Gate at Dan | 1105 | |
義大利 | 滿都亞和薩賓尼塔Mantoue et Sabbioneta | 1287 | |
義大利 | 佛雷格利亞地區火山地層變動景觀Bradyseism in Phlegraean Area | 1288 | |
俄羅斯 | 普托洛納高原自然保護區“The Putorana Plateau” Nature Complex | 1234 | |
聖馬利諾 | 聖馬利諾歷史中心與提塔諾山San Marino Historic Centre and Mount Titano | 1245 | |
斯洛伐克 | 喀爾巴千山木造教堂群Wooden Churches of the Slovak part of Carpathian Mountain Area | 1273 | |
斯洛伐克 | 皮克斯城堡及其文化遺跡擴展項目Extension of the Location of Spišský Hrad and its Associated Cultural Monuments with Levoča and the Work of Master Paul in Spiš | 620Bis | 擴展項目 |
西班牙 | 帕雷歐里斯克洞窟藝術(阿爾塔米拉洞窟擴展項目)Palaeolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain (extension to Altamira Cave) | 310Bis | 擴展項目 |
瑞士 | 葛拉洛斯斷層Glarus overthrust | 1179 | |
瑞士 義大利 | 阿爾布拉/伯尼納雷天鐵道文化景觀 Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina Cultural Landscape | 1276 | 跨國遺產 |
英國 | 安東尼長城:羅馬帝國長城擴展項目Frontiers of the Roman Empire World Heritage Site: The Antonine Wall | 430Ter | 擴展項目 |
拉丁美洲/加勒比海地區(7處) | |||
阿根廷 | 布宜諾斯艾利斯文化景觀 Cultural Landscape of Buenos Aires | 1296 | |
玻利維亞 | 蘇克雷恐龍化石遺址Quarry of the Fabrica Nacional de Cementos S.A. (FANCESA), Cal Orck’O, Sucre, Departamento Chuqisaca | 1284 | |
巴西 | 薩克里斯多佛城的薩佛蘭西斯廣場São Francisco Square in the city of São Cristóvão | 1272 | |
古巴 | 卡瑪圭城市歷史景觀 Urban Historic Scenary Camagüey | 1270 | |
墨西哥 | 聖米圭爾保護城鎮和聖堂Protective town of San Miguel and the Sanctuary of Jesús de Nazareno de Atotonilco | 1274 | |
墨西哥 | 莫那其蝴蝶生態保護區 Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve | 1290 | |
尼加拉瓜 | 利昂教堂Cathédrale de León | 1236 |
Natural properties submitted for inscription to the World Heritage List: Quarry of the Fabrica Nacional de Cementos S.A. (FANCESA), Cal Orck’O, Sucre, Departamento Chuquisaca (Bolivia), an extension to the Pirin National Park (Bulgaria), The Joggins Fossil Cliffs (Canada), Mount Sanqingshan National Park (China), Lagoons of New Caledonia: Reef Diversity and Associated Ecosystems (France), Surtsey (Iceland), Bradyseism in Phlegraean Area (Italy), Saryarka – Steppe and Lakes of Northern Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan), Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (Mexico), Hovsgol Lake and its Watershed (Mongolia), “The Putorana Plateau” Nature Complex (Russian Federation), Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardona (Switzerland,瑞士的薩多納環形地質結構,補充原申請之”葛拉洛斯斷層”並予更名 ), Socotra Archipelago (Yemen).
Cultural properties submitted for inscription to the World Heritage List: Historic Centres of Berat and Gjirokastra–Towns of southern Albania, exceptional testimonies of well-preserved Ottoman settlements in the Balkan region, an extension (Albania,阿爾巴尼亞的巴爾幹地區鄂圖曼聚落擴展項目), Cultural Landscape of Buenos Aires (Argentina), São Francisco Square in the city of São Cristóvão (Brazil), The Sacred Site of the Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia,柬埔寨的普里維希神廟), Fujian Tulou (China), The Stari Grad Plain (Croatia), Urban Historic Scenary Camagüey (Cuba), Spa of Luhačovice–area with a collection of historic spa buildings and spa-related facilities (Czech Republic), Historic Monuments and Sites in Kaesong (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea), The work of Vauban (France), Housing Estates in the Berlin Modern Style (Germany,德國的柏林現代風格建築), System of Fortification at the Confluence of the Rivers Danube and Váh in Komárno–Komárom (Hungary / Slovakia), Mountain Railways of India (serial extension to include Kalka Shimla Railway (KSR)) (India), River Island of Majuli in midstream of Brahmaputra River in Assam (India,印度的布拉馬普特拉河中游瑪居利島), Cultural Landscape of Bali Province (Indonesia), The Armenian Monastic Ensembles in Iranian Azarbayjan ((Islamic Republic of Iran,伊朗的亞美尼亞修道院,補充原申請之”聖塔都斯修道院”並予更名), The Triple-arch Gate at Dan (Israel), Bahá’i Holy Places in Haifa and Western Galilee (Israel,海法和西加利利的巴海聖地), Mantua and Sabbioneta (Italy), Hiraizumi - Cultural Landscape Associated with Pure Land Buddhist Cosmology (Japan), Sacred Mijikenda Kaya Forests (Kenya,肯亞的米基肯達卡亞聖林), Sulamain-Too Sacred Mountain (Kyrgyzstan,吉爾吉斯的蘇剌曼圖聖山), Historic Cities of the Straits of Malacca: Melaka and George Town (Malaysia), Le Morne Cultural Landscape (Mauritius), Protective town of San Miguel and the Sanctuary of Jesús de Nazareno de Atotonilco (Mexico), León Cathedral (Nicaragua), The Kuk Early Agricultural Site (Papua New Guinea), San Marino Historic Centre and Mount Titano (San Marino), Al-Hijr Archaeological Site (Madâin Sâlih) (Saudi Arabia), Wooden Churches of the Slovak part of Carpathian Mountain Area (Slovakia), Palaeolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain (extension to Altamira Cave) (Spain), Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina Cultural Landscape (Switzerland / Italy), The Antonine Wall (extension to the Frontiers of the Roman Empire) (United Kingdom), Chief Roi Mata’s Domain (Vanuatu).
Cultural properties submitted for inscription to the World Heritage List: Historic Centres of Berat and Gjirokastra–Towns of southern Albania, exceptional testimonies of well-preserved Ottoman settlements in the Balkan region, an extension (Albania,阿爾巴尼亞的巴爾幹地區鄂圖曼聚落擴展項目), Cultural Landscape of Buenos Aires (Argentina), São Francisco Square in the city of São Cristóvão (Brazil), The Sacred Site of the Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia,柬埔寨的普里維希神廟), Fujian Tulou (China), The Stari Grad Plain (Croatia), Urban Historic Scenary Camagüey (Cuba), Spa of Luhačovice–area with a collection of historic spa buildings and spa-related facilities (Czech Republic), Historic Monuments and Sites in Kaesong (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea), The work of Vauban (France), Housing Estates in the Berlin Modern Style (Germany,德國的柏林現代風格建築), System of Fortification at the Confluence of the Rivers Danube and Váh in Komárno–Komárom (Hungary / Slovakia), Mountain Railways of India (serial extension to include Kalka Shimla Railway (KSR)) (India), River Island of Majuli in midstream of Brahmaputra River in Assam (India,印度的布拉馬普特拉河中游瑪居利島), Cultural Landscape of Bali Province (Indonesia), The Armenian Monastic Ensembles in Iranian Azarbayjan ((Islamic Republic of Iran,伊朗的亞美尼亞修道院,補充原申請之”聖塔都斯修道院”並予更名), The Triple-arch Gate at Dan (Israel), Bahá’i Holy Places in Haifa and Western Galilee (Israel,海法和西加利利的巴海聖地), Mantua and Sabbioneta (Italy), Hiraizumi - Cultural Landscape Associated with Pure Land Buddhist Cosmology (Japan), Sacred Mijikenda Kaya Forests (Kenya,肯亞的米基肯達卡亞聖林), Sulamain-Too Sacred Mountain (Kyrgyzstan,吉爾吉斯的蘇剌曼圖聖山), Historic Cities of the Straits of Malacca: Melaka and George Town (Malaysia), Le Morne Cultural Landscape (Mauritius), Protective town of San Miguel and the Sanctuary of Jesús de Nazareno de Atotonilco (Mexico), León Cathedral (Nicaragua), The Kuk Early Agricultural Site (Papua New Guinea), San Marino Historic Centre and Mount Titano (San Marino), Al-Hijr Archaeological Site (Madâin Sâlih) (Saudi Arabia), Wooden Churches of the Slovak part of Carpathian Mountain Area (Slovakia), Palaeolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain (extension to Altamira Cave) (Spain), Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina Cultural Landscape (Switzerland / Italy), The Antonine Wall (extension to the Frontiers of the Roman Empire) (United Kingdom), Chief Roi Mata’s Domain (Vanuatu).