【巴黎消息,6月25日】 - 世界遺產委員會今天做出決定,將三個國家申報的遺產專案列入教科文組織《世界遺產名錄》。它們是:作為2007年列入《世界遺產名錄的》喀爾巴阡山脈原始山毛櫸林(斯洛伐克,烏克蘭)的擴展部分的德國古山毛櫸林、巴貝多的布里奇頓及其軍事要塞——該國首個被列入《世界遺產名錄》的遺址,以及日本的平泉——象徵著佛教淨土的廟宇、園林與考古遺址。
德國古山毛櫸林 (Ancient Beech Forests of Germany,德國)為展示進行中的冰後期陸地生態系統的生物與生態進化過程提供了範例,並成為瞭解山毛櫸樹種在北半球的多種環境下,繁殖擴散情況的一個必不可少的環節。遺址新增部分包括5座森林,共占地4391公頃。2007年列入世界遺產名錄的斯洛伐克和烏克蘭的山毛櫸林占地29278公頃。同屬三國的這一世界遺產由此更名為“喀爾巴阡山脈原始山毛櫸林和德國古山毛櫸林”(The Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and the Ancient Beech Forests of Germany,斯洛伐克、烏克蘭、德國)。
布里奇頓及其軍事要塞(Bridgetown and its Garrison,巴貝多)由一組建於17-19世紀、保存完好的老城鎮所構成,是英國殖民地建築的典範之作,也是大不列顛在大西洋進行殖民帝國擴張的見證。這一遺產還包括附近一處由許多歷史性建築物組成的軍事要塞。此處的城鎮所採取的蛇形城市佈局,有別于西班牙及荷蘭在此處的殖民城鎮所採取的井字形佈局建設方式,展現了殖民地城鎮規劃所採用的不同方式。
平泉——象徵著佛教淨土的廟宇、園林與考古遺址(Hiraizumi – Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land,日本)由6處遺址組成,其中包括聖山金雞山。11及12世紀時,平泉是日本北部地方與京都相抗衡的行政中心,至今尚留存有當時府衙的遺跡。平泉文化遺產中的遺址按照8世紀流傳到日本的佛教淨土宗的宇宙觀建成,象徵著人們渴望死後往生的佛陀淨土以及此生的靜心之境。結合了日本本土的自然崇拜與神道教的影響,淨土宗發展出了日本獨特的規劃與園林設計理念。
【教科文組織新聞稿 2011-90】
Barbados enters World Heritage List with Bridgetown and its Garrison; Hiraizumi (Japan) and Germany’s Beech Forests also inscribed
The World Heritage Committee has inscribed three new sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List so far today: the Ancient Beech Forests of Germany as an extension to the World Heritage site of Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians (Slovakia, Ukraine), Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison, the first heritage site of Barbados to enter the World Heritage List; and Hiraizumi – Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land (Japan).
The Ancient Beech Forests of Germany, represent examples of on-going post-glacial biological and ecological evolution of terrestrial ecosystems and are indispensable to understanding the spread of the Fagus beech in the Northern Hemisphere across a variety of environments. The new inscription represents the addition of five forests totaling 4,391 hectares that are added to the 29,278 hectares of Slovakian and Ukranian beech forests inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2007. The tri-national property is now to be known as the Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and the Ancient Beech Forests of Germany (Slovakia, Ukraine, Germany).
Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison (Barbados), an outstanding example of British colonial architecture consisting of a well-preserved old town built in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, which testifies to the spread of Great Britain’s Atlantic colonial empire. The property also includes a nearby military garrison which consists of numerous historic buildings. With its serpentine urban lay-out the property testifies to a different approach to colonial town-planning compared to the Spanish and Dutch colonial cities of the region which were built along a grid plan.
Hiraizumi – Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land (Japan) comprises five sites, including the sacred Mount Kinkeisan. It features vestiges of government offices dating from the 11th and 12th centuries when Hiraizumi was the administrative centre of the northern realm of Japan and rivalled Kyoto. The realm was based on the cosmology of Pure Land Buddhism, which spread to Japan in the 8th century. It represented the pure land of Buddha that people aspire to after death, as well as peace of mind in this life. In combination with indigenous Japanese nature worship and Shintoism, Pure Land Buddhism developed a concept of planning and garden design that was unique to Japan.
A total of 35 nominations, including natural, cultural and mixed properties are being reviewed by the Committee, which is holding its 35th session at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. The session will end on 29 June.